The Power of Sales and Discounts

Lebanese retailers are using discounts to survive the economic crisis. Discounts attract cash-strapped customers, boost sales, and build customer loyalty. Retailers are also innovating by partnering with other businesses and building a strong online presence.

Greening Up Retail: 4 Easy ways to embrace sustainability

Sustainability is a trend that’s taking the retail industry by storm! Shoppers are becoming more eco-friendly and they want retailers to be the same. By adopting eco-friendly practices and offering sustainable products, retailers are seeing customers come back to buy from them more frequently. In this article, you’ll find four ways that your business can… Continue reading Greening Up Retail: 4 Easy ways to embrace sustainability

L’évolution du commerce de détail

Le commerce de détail a parcouru un long chemin depuis l’époque des petits dépanneurs et des options limitées. Son évolution a été influencée par divers facteurs tels que les progrès technologiques, le comportement des consommateurs et l’essor du commerce électronique. Dans cet article, nous résumons les grands points importants qui ont marqué l’évolution du commerce… Continue reading L’évolution du commerce de détail