L’évolution du commerce de détail

Le commerce de détail a parcouru un long chemin depuis l’époque des petits dépanneurs et des options limitées. Son évolution a été influencée par divers facteurs tels que les progrès technologiques, le comportement des consommateurs et l’essor du commerce électronique. Dans cet article, nous résumons les grands points importants qui ont marqué l’évolution du commerce… Continue reading L’évolution du commerce de détail

How data can help you unlock countless insights about customers?

Data has become an increasingly important tool for businesses looking to understand and serve their customers better. By collecting and analyzing data on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics, businesses can gain valuable insights that help them make informed decisions and improve their products and services. One of the key ways that data can help businesses… Continue reading How data can help you unlock countless insights about customers?

La fidélisation client: Quelles sont ces stratégies?

Dans un marché connu avec ses concurrences féroces et la volatilité des consommateurs, il sera essentiel de consolider la part de votre entreprise et de développer ses activités. C’est pour cela, il sera primordial de développer une stratégie pour optimiser votre relation avec vos clients, d’autre mot pour fidéliser vos acheteurs. La fidélisation du client… Continue reading La fidélisation client: Quelles sont ces stratégies?

2022 LinkedIn Marketing Features

GO ALL-IN ON LINKEDIN Digital Marketing is a tool that is constantly changing and improving. As a business owner, there are many interesting LinkedIn features we can utilize as we approach the end of 2022. LinkedIn is a rising star in the digital place, showing significant gains in monthly active users and engagements on the… Continue reading 2022 LinkedIn Marketing Features

Webrooming: How to help you grow your business

Webrooming: what exactly is it? As a business owner, have you ever heard of the term “Webrooming”? It is the act of searching the products on the retailer’s website but buying these goods in-store. Simply put, the concept of seeing the items before they go to the store. This trend is beneficial for you to… Continue reading Webrooming: How to help you grow your business

Showrooming: How to help you grow your business?

Showrooming: What exactly is it? If you’re already a retailer, you must have heard of the term “Showrooming”. It is a shopping behavior in which the customer checks out a product at a physical store before buying it from an online vendor. In other words, local stores are becoming the showrooms of online stores. In… Continue reading Showrooming: How to help you grow your business?

2022 Marketing Trends for Brands

In 2022, as a business owner, you will have the chance to dive deeply into digital marketing. Publishing content on Instagram is a powerful way to showcase your products and services to the world, regardless of whether you want to launch an online business or include social media in your marketing plan. After reading this… Continue reading 2022 Marketing Trends for Brands